Posted by: rundadrun | October 31, 2013

One year as a Type 2 Diabetic…and a challenge!

The month of October marks my one year anniversary as a Type 2 Diabetic. And what a year it has been! I am not kidding when I say that it has been one of the best years of my life. I truly believe that God blessed me to be where I am, Diabetes and all!

Last October was very sobering. I was told that I have a basically terminal illness. Untreated and ignored, Diabetes would eventually kill me. I have seen it in my own family. It was the wake up call that I needed to change my life. For years I had ignored my weight gain, rising blood pressure, rising cholesterol and general bad health. By ignore, I mean I treated them with medicines and went on living the way I always had. Now, I had an enemy to attack! And attack it was exactly what we did. I say we because my wife joined in the fight with me. She has been my strength and my partner in all this. And along the way, we both ended up getting more fit and feeling so much better!

At the beginning, I looked like this:
Fat Rob

This is what I look like today:
Finish pic Flying Pig 2013

I have never felt better in my life! I am off all Diabetic meds and BP meds. I have dropped my A1c from a starting point of 8.3 down to 5.3.

As we prepare to start November, which is Diabetes Awareness month, my challenge to you is to answer the question in the next paragraph

What are you doing in your life, Diabetic or not, to get and stay healthy? Please use the comment section to share your success stories or your challenges. If you haven’t done anything yet, the challenge is to “Do Something!”

I have been blessed by so many people in my life who have inspired me to get healthy and stay that way. Please share your story!

Happy running,


  1. I’ve been working out with weights since May. I lost 10 lbs between May and August. Got my diagnosis in August, lost another 15 lbs since then. So I’m down from 205 to 180 and still dropping. Switched to a low carb diet for the most part, A1C is down from 8.8 at the initial diagnosis to 6.3 as of Tuesday this week.

    Planning to lose at least another 10-20 lbs, and would like to put it back on as muscle over time and start increasing my lifts, though it’s been difficult to make progress while eating reduced carb intake. Still, progress is progress. 🙂

    • That is great! Keep it up and thanks for stopping by Rundad

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