Posted by: rundadrun | October 23, 2012

Put one foot in front of the other…

One of the toughest things to do is start a new program.  When I first came back to running after 20+ years off, I had a lot of false starts, mostly because I let my competitiveness get the best of me.  I didn’t want baby steps, I wanted marathons!  And I ended up with pain and frustration.  I took a step back and looked for some help from people who had been there and done that.  And what I found is there are TONS of resources out there for easing your way into fitness, and they most are FREE!

So, I ended up using Hal Higdon’s 30/30 plan, which I have written about before and the link to which is on my right hand side bar.  This program eases you into running over a 30 day period.  And it only takes…you guessed it, 30 minutes a day!  By the time I got done with the 30 days, I was completely ready to drop the walking portions and get on with my running.  But, I forced myself to take it slow and easy until I graduated.  All these years later, Hal Higdon is still my go to guy for starting a running habit. 

My wife had great success starting out with Leslie Sansone’s “Walk Away The Pounds” DVD’s.  They also start slow and you can build up to an amazing level a little at a time.  And she has introduced me to Wii Fit Plus for my non-running days.  Look out, I am becoming a Wii Fit Yoga Master! 🙂

But the key is EASING into this whole fitness lifestyle.  Check your ego at the door and plan on giving this thing some time to start falling in love with it.  For diabetics, ANY improvement in our fitness is a big step towards beating this beast. It took me time to acquire my bad eating habits and my type 2 diagnosis, I am gonna need some time to change those habits into a life of fitness. 

One of my favorite things to do is get someone new hooked on running.  It is like introducing someone to a whole new part of their life.  I am proud of every one of my converts!  But my first advice has always been to take it slow.  And then to get to a good running shoe store. 🙂  Now, as more of my friends know about my diabetes and see me losing weight(passed 11 pounds lost today!), they are asking what I am doing.  What a great lead in to help others start getting healthy.  When I asked God to help me use my diabetes as a positive, I didn’t think He would answer so quick! 

Do you have any great apps, websites or plans to help someone get started on a healthy habit? Let me know, I am always on the lookout. 🙂

Happy running,


October 5, 2012-Diagnosed Type 2 diabetes, A1c-8.3, fasting BG-149, weight-186

Today- fasting BG-92, Weight-174.6!


  1. I did Couch to 5K last fall. I ran my first 5K November 3rd. This was such a great way to ease into running. I have always been a walker; walked the Philadelphia Marathon in 2008, but I wanted to run. I’m currently doing Couch to 5K again (after lapsing in the heat of the summer), and will run the 5K race that is held the day before the NYC Marathon!

    • Hey there Cyndi! Great program! Thanks for dropping by and for the C25K kudos.

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